Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Week of School Pictures

Camden's First Day of 2nd Grade

Blake's second day of big brother being gone at school.

Back to fun together..This is Thursday night after their baths.  They took all their "special things" out of the house because it was about to "explode"...there is always some imaginary war going on that they are in the middle of.  They used the wagon as a barricade, and place to store their things.  I thought- great teaching moment...we talked about when Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and what they took with them, and the Pioneers leaving Nauvoo, what did they take? Apparently these were their most sacred things to them!!! :0)  They have such fun imaginations!


Lewyville said...

You are such a great mom. I need to look for those teaching moments more often.

Race Fam said...

I love the marshmallow shooter on top with the hockey sticks, of course you would need to save those from being exploded.