Friday, October 24, 2008

Patriotic Camden

Here is Camden during the first game of the World Series the other night.  He is our patriotic boy.  As soon as the 7th inning song, God Bless America was being sung, he stood right in front of the TV and stood in salute. 
Every time we see a flag blowing in the wind he'll say the pledge of allegiance as we drive by.  He loves the pillow case that my Grandparents gave him once that has a bunch of good old American classic songs printed on it - like God Bless America, The Star Spangled Banner, Home on the Range, Yankee Doodle, etc.  He sings them all. We love our patriotic Camden!


Race Fam said...

I think he might take after James and John, military here he comes!

Amy said...

What a patriotic boy. You must be teaching him well. He is too cute!!!