Friday, October 24, 2008

Blake and Super Heroes

Blake loves Super Heroes lately.  He colors them all day long and loves to wear Batman, Spider man, or Superman pajamas.  These pictures are so cute of him as he colors.  Notice the tongue in the first picture.  His mouth gets really chapped under his lip because of this.  He would not put anything on it to help it to heal until I bought some Carmex that is in a yellow tube with a red top.  I told him it smelled yummy (Cherry Flavor) and was Iron Man chap stick! So he put it on all by himself  (of course) and it worked! We have cured his chapped mouth because of Iron man chap stick...hurray for Super Heroes!


Race Fam said...

I love how Blake and Nixon are totally into the same things right now. Coloring, super heros and dress up!

Katrena said...

My mom and little brother both color with their tongues out a little so it seems there is a genetic component. I guess you'll get cute, tongue sticking out, coloring grandkids some day :)