Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was "tagged" by Stacy to list 3 of each of the following: joys, fears, goals, current obsessions, regrets, and facts about me.  It's been interesting to think about the answers to all here goes:  Oh, I also have to tag 5 more people - I'll comment on your blog telling you to do this same thing!!!!!  Don't forget to tag 5 more also!  Check your comments! (Lisa, Amy, Jill, Kristin, and Emily M.)

1. My Family 
2. The Gospel 
3. Morning Runs

1. Losing another child
2. Seeing accidents-I wish I could help them
3. Jumping off the cliffs at Rainbow Pools by Yosemite!  (I had jumped off cliffs into water at Lake Powell before, but this gave me a sunburn while I waited for the courage to jump!  I finally did it, but was pretty fearful!  I'm sure I wouldn't be able to now!)

GOALS (These seem to always be on my list of goals)
1. Read my scriptures daily
2. Exercise
3. Organize family photos and 
4. Practice the piano (I know, only 3 responses, but I could only limit it to 4!!)

1. Hanging out with my hubby
2. Playing with my kiddos 
3. Tatsu at Magic Mountain (In the last 2 visits we've been on it 4 times already!  We went for our last anniversary and went 3 times in a row!!....This last time we had over an hour wait to get on it!)

1. Wearing flip-flops all summer long.  (I need a pedicure - BAD)
2. Selling ALL of our Thomas the Train stuff at a yard sale a few weeks ago.  (A woman really liked a tent train that we had and then we brought out the huge bin of train stuff....she quickly asked how much?  I looked for Will's advice, he was busy bartering with someone else, I know he does great I said $20.oo???? um, $15.00???? I looked for Will's help again but he was still busy.  She said I'll take it!  (Usually they say no and try to get things for $5.oo or less!!I was wanting to take the box back inside..She was smart) She handed me $15.00 and off she went and so did Thomas! Uggggg I get sick just thinking about all those great times we had together playing trains and what a great collection we had!  Since the boys had lost interest in them I was thinking about keeping them for their kids some day, but finally realized it's just 'stuff' and was ready to part with I thought!  I am NOT a good sales person!  Luckily when I sold furniture for my Uncle I was never as bad!!!!!  I was surprised when Will couldn't believe I sold it for so cheep!  I guess all I can say is some little boy is SOOOOOOOO happy to have all those trains!!!!! I hope they are well loved!
3. Never going to an event at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah!  We went to see it all.  Camden was 2 months old.  We walked all around checking everything out, took lots of pictures, noticed how expensive it was to even see Curling, and didn't want to pay for an event ticket.   Now when will we ever have a chance like that again??? We should have paid for the tickets!

1. I met my wonderful husband in the ocean.
2. Two of my favorite movies are Goonies and Anne of Green Gables!  I would love to go on such a great adventure (As Goonies)!  And I'd like to see where that movie was filmed- somewhere along the Oregon Coast.  Also, I'd love to visit Prince Edward Island and see where Anne of Green Gables was filmed! 
3. I love going to craft stores - like the one in Smithfield!  And I love browsing through School Supply Stores!!!


Carskiley said...

I too, regret the flip flops, I finally went on Saturday to get a pedicure, and boy was it great! Let's go again in a couple weeks!

Carskiley said...

Yes, it is me Lisa not Carsyn.

Katrena said...

Hey, your grandparents should get a gold star for all the help they are giving me with Prop 8 phoning. I'm glad I'm finally getting to know them; they are such a fun and cute couple. Just thought I'd let you know that and that I enjoy your blog updates too even though I don't always post comments :)

Jaime said...

I love goonies! I think it is one of the greatest movies ever! I love the story of how you met Will. That is the greatest also. By the way thank you for giving me Ambers name. She did my hair today and I love it!