Thursday, September 18, 2008

Late Night Dentist

It finally came out!  Camden's top tooth was super wiggly forever.  He would not let us get close to it - he knew we were trying to pull it out.   After bribing him with a toy, he wanted to try it himself.  He tried 3 times and he couldn't do it.  He was crying and crying because he wished it would just fall out by itself!  Finally we made a deal that we would pull it while he was sleeping so he wouldn't even know!  He said o.k.!  After we put the kids to bed he said, "Mommy, make sure you do it in the middle of the night because sometimes I'm just laying with my eyes closed!" So, in the middle of the night (10pm) we barely twisted it and out it came!  (It was barely hanging on.) Tadaa!!  He was so excited when he woke up the next morning without a tooth!  It worked!  Now the tooth fairy gets to visit us!

1 comment:

Race Fam said...

I think your tooth fairy needs to come and make a visit with Carsyn. Her tooth will not come out!