Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Can Fix It!

Today I was taking dishes out of the dishwasher and two wheels of the bottom dishwasher basket came off!  Camden was playing near when I said, "Uh-Oh, these wheels broke off!" Camden replied, "Oh! I am a good dishwasher fixer!  I can fix it!"  (And he did!)  A while later, Blake was helping me mop and the base of his toy mop came off from the stick.  I asked him, "did it break?"  He answered, "No, this is not broken, 'cuz' I can fix this!"  (And he did too!)  Will fixes EVERYTHING at our house.  If there is ever anything broken, he'll fix it.  Our vacuum was an old one at my parents house that had been broken....he fixed it.  The cord recently got ran over by our car and the wires were showing....he fixed it.  That's just one example.  I always tell the boys Daddy can fix anything!  So we wait for Daddy to come home and taa daa it's fixed.  Well, today it has proven to be an awesome teaching tool.  Now the boys can fix everything too!  Thanks Will!  You're AMAZING!!!!

P.S. We just got a new computer through e-bay (no instructions).  I haven't figured out what file our pictures are in so I have no pictures to share.  I'll wait for Will to get back home tonight and taa daa he'll figure it out in a minute!!!  I LOVE HIM!!!


Race Fam said...

I think boys were made to fix things. Brad can fix everything too, I wouldn't even know where to begin!

Lewyville said...

I agree with you that my issues with snot may have began at Garfield. I totally remember that little boy (can't remember his name...he loved tools) wiped a huge green boog on your arm. YUCK! your post reminded me of the time I was leaving Garfield and had a flat tire. You and I tried to put on my spare but couldn't figure it out so we called Will. I think he even missed class to come and change my tire. What a great guy you have!

Kristin said...

He is Mr. Fixit. I can't believe I just picked up on that fact. We've known you so long, I could used that knowledge on many projects. Luke tends to throw it away without a second glance.

Mandee said...

Becky Simpson! I love you and miss you and I'm so happy you have a blog! Yay!