Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Day of School Pictures

Here is our handsome Camden on his first day of school. He has really done well considering moving to a new state and changing schools 2 times within 7 months! He makes friends so easily. Although, he still misses his friends from California and his buddy Drew who he used to walk to school with every day at our last school. He has finally started a new recess activity by playing soccer at every recess! (Surprisingly, he doesn't play Star Wars at recess anymore!) We are so blessed to have Camden! He is a great boy!!!

Blake started preschool! What a grown up boy! He finally is able to separate from us without crying. He has a great time at preschool every time he goes. He is excited to have 'homework' like Camden. He gets to investigate a letter each week and cut out the letter from magazines and newspapers! We also practice writing his name which he can do all by himself now! What a happy boy he is. We are so blessed to have Blake in our family.

1 comment:

Merrill Family said...

They look soo big! And handsome might I add. We really need to come visit you!