Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spring Break...Continued

Just catching up a bit!!!!.........

So, the day after we went to the zoo, we went water skiing with Lisa, Brad and their kids. Shelby and her kids came too.  We had a fun time out at the lake even though it was a bit chilly! It was fun on their new fast boat!

Here are some of the boys wishing they could drive the boat!

Happy Cousins!  Camden, Rohan, and Hunter

Blake and Nixon

Aunt Shelby hanging out with Carsyn and the little guys

Cold Caden

Tyler just chillin'

On Saturday before Easter we were getting ready for the traditional egg hunt.  We colored easter eggs and made sugar cookies with grandma.

Off to the park we go!  
Shelby trying to take my picture!

Aunt Sharon and my Mom

Grandma and some of the grandkids.  Just before the hunt!

The men waiting for extra candy!

Random snap shot..

Ashlyn, Nixon and Blake checking out the goods!

Will sent me flowers for Easter!  (He was in Utah while we were in California!)  This was our first Easter apart from eachother!  We got a knock on the door and I received a box!  Inside were flowers and instructions on how to put them together.  They turned out beautiful!  I love tulips in the spring!  What a fun surprise!  Thanks Will!  He also got me a box of bordeaux chocolate from Sees!!!  Dangerous!  (I needed to share more than I did!)  Yum!  What a nice hubby!!!  I love you Will!!

Easter morning!  The kids woke up to find their baskets at the end of their blow up mattresses! Then they headed out to find more eggs outside!

Blake and his Basket

Camden and his Basket

One of the highlights was good ol silly putty!  They were amazed it could copy pictures!

Blake making a copy of the comics with his silly putty.

Just had to take this cute picture!  Blake was so serious reading the comics during breakfast! 

On Monday Lisa and I took off for the beach!  We ventured out to Ventura and found our way thanks to Lisa's cool I-phone, you can never get lost!!

Caden and Camden digging for treasures (always looking for sand crabs!)

Happy Blake and Nixon

Blake found a red clay rock and went around marking everything with it!  

The beach buddies!

On Tuesday we went to Aunt Sharon's house and played with more cousins.  Blake found all the beeded necklaces and....tadaa!

Sharonda and Amy's kids put on a fantastic play written and directed by the girls themselves.

Finally we were reunited with Will!!!!!  Yeah!!!  He flew in on Thursday in Burbank, so we stayed in Anaheim and went to a place we have wanted to go to for a while now.  The Discovery Cube!  We had a great time together!!!

Outside under a gigantic most favorite people in the whole world!!!!!

The Pulleys:  You sit and pull yourself up.  They were so strong!!!


Virtual Reality Volleyball!!

The highlight of our trip...the Anaheim Ducks donated everything for a whole floor of hockey fun!  My kids were in heaven!!

The Zambonie!

Goalie Gear

Blake making a goal against a virtual goalie!
Camden and his slap shot!
Will scored!

Here they had pucks shooting out of a wall as a player skated toward you!

Camden catching a puck!

Blake the goalie!

They got to design their own uniforms.  Notice, The Bakersfield Condors!

Blake and his uniform.

After the museum we went to Newport!  We love visiting Newport.  It brings back good memories of the fun times we had there while Will was in grad school!!

We road the ferry over from Balboa Island.  Blake just woke up from a nap.  Looks like I need one too!

We played on this great climbing structure forever!  Camden played the best game of tag with a whole group of kids there and their dad.  We had fun playing around too.  Blake even climbed to the top of this!

Blake sliding down the sand to the water.  It's amazing how much the shore changes over time!  

Camden found a treasure of sea weed!

Out on the pier.

Balboa bars!  

Here was one of the main reasons why we came to California for Spring Break....My little brother Josh got married!!!!  Congratulations Joshey-ha!!!!  Marianna was a beautiful bride! Josh was a handsome groom!  They had a beautiful wedding at Marianna's mom's house.  Here's just a few of the pictures I took...I can't wait to see all the professional pictures!  

Josh and Marianna
My cute grandparents.
The little guys hanging out. (Jack, Blake, Sean, and Nixon)

Playing outside of Grandma and Grandpa's house with the cousins.  What a fun trip!!!!!  We can't wait till we all get together again!!!!!  We love family!


Amy said...

No doubt, you had a very eventful spring break. It looks like you definitely used your time to the fullest. Never a dull moment. I want to come vacation with you, but I don't think I could keep up. I hope all is well with you guys. We love and miss you.

julean said...

It sounds like you guys had a great time. You were just down the road from us when you went to the beach in Ventura! If you ever find yourselves this way again call us, we'd love to see you!

Jess said...

What a great time! Never a dull moment with the Larsons.

Wendi said...

I'm just so happy you finally found time to update your blog! And it's funny because the Easter Bunny brought my boys Silly Putty too but we didn't know about its photo copying capabilities! We'll have to go try that! Thanks for the tip! And thanks for updating!

Race Fam said...

We had fun with you guys, see you in July!