Monday, October 20, 2008

Quirky Quirks!

OK Gals, Here's my list of 6 quirks.... thanks for the tag Krissi! :0)

1. I cannot stand little rocks in my shoes!  Sometimes when I run, little rocks get in my shoes.   I have to really think hard about something else because it bothers me so bad.  I'll bang my foot one way or the other to try and get it up to my toes where maybe I won't feel it so much. Sometimes when I can take it no longer, I have to stop in the middle of my run, take off my shoe, dump out the itty bitty rock - yes, very itty bitty -put my shoe back on and go!  Annoying!  I usually do a double check before I put them on to make sure there are no rocks from a previous run.  Some days I'm lucky and am rock free!  Ya never know!

2. I can't stand sock fuzzies!  I often turn my socks inside out to get all the lint or fuzzies out of my sock before I put them on. 

3. I have to put Chapstick on everytime after I brush my teeth.

4. I too am quirky about closet doors.  They all have to be closed before bed. 

5.  I have to have my sheet folded over my blanket just right before I fall to sleep and I have to be super close to Will.  I like no space (thus the reason for our queen bed, not a king). 

6.  Lastly, more on socks.  I cannot stand miss matched socks, or holes in socks!!  When I do the laundry I have to match the kids socks that are a little stained with the other slightly stained socks or, sometimes Camden will put his socks on so one is inside out, and the other is not.  I quickly help him notice the difference and help him change it.  Finally, if I see any holes in socks, they're trash - Will likes them to last as long as possible so occasionally he'll wear them holey....until I notice and in the trash it goes.  We just don't like to spend money on stuff you don't really have to.  But non-holey socks are a necessity!!!



Race Fam said...

I've always heard that they put something that is addicting in chapstick, maybe you are an addict. :)

Katrena said...

No wonder you smoked Laura with the sock matching game at Enzo's baby shower! It all makes sense...

Amy said...

Chapstick. I agree with Lisa, I think you are an addict. Do we need to do an intervention?;) The rock in the shoe is quite annoying, I concur. That happened during my race. It didn't start bugging me till mile 22. I couldn't stop at that point so I tried to kick it to my toes just like you described. Bottom line, I think you are quirky about your feet. I kind of got that sense from you.:) Quirky FEET!!!

Sharonda and Zaron said...

Too funny! I have the same quirks about socks. I can't stand fuzz inside my socks or on the bottom. I really don't like holes in my socks and especially mismatched socks. I throw the single sock away if I can't find the match. What really stinks, is finding the match after I've thrown the single sock away. Oh well!!