Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Week of School

So my computer is acting up again and I haven't been able to get my pictures off my camera from Camden's first day of school...Hopefully I will figure it out soon and share his picture.  

During summer Camden would ask how many more days left until school starts?  We would count, and on about day 48 (48 Days left of summer) he cried and cried.  He could not believe summer was almost over and did not want to go back to school!  I reassured him that we still had a lot of summer left and school would be fun once he started.  Then came 10 days left of summer and finally 4 this point he said, "Don't even tell me I don't want to know!!!"  This was the day the classes were posted to see who his teacher was.  We read and found out that 7 kids from his 1st grade class were going to be in his class this year!!!  He was pretty excited to know who would be in his class.  He was most excited that Hayden Urmston would be in his class again!  They have been in every class together since preschool!  That helped everything.  He was ready for school when Monday came around.  He nervously sat in his seat and waved good bye.  He had a great day and so far a great week.  He said his teacher is the nicest in the whole school!  Although he is a little apprehensive each night wondering if the next day is almost Saturday or not.  Summer Fever should die out soon I think.... Our only adjustment now is getting to sleep on time, homework, and little brother boredom!  Poor Blake misses Camden so much!  All day he says, "Is Danden done now?"  We'll play something fun and again, "Is Danden done now?"  They have become such great buddies all summer and now Blakes best buddy is gone all day!  We have some fun things planned for Blake, but he still misses Camden. :0)


Krissi said...

Isn't school so much fun. I too am sorry to see summer end. I want the kids in school I just don't want to get them there. Oh well, I guess I have to accept that it is time for fall. It is great that your boys are such good buddies. We are going through the stage where we have to tell the kids to pretend to like each other. They aren't very good at pretending. :)

Lewyville said...

I am glad Camden has his buddy in his class. Ethan missed the first week of school and then found out not many of his friends are in his class. Everyday I ask him who he played with at recess and he always says he played by himself because he doesn't have any friends in his class! It breaks my heart. Maggie is in the same boat as Blake. She is to young for preschool so she is just bored. I have got to get some regular playdates planned for her or something.

Jaime said...

Hayden was so happy to have Camden over. He asked me today if Camden could walk home to our house one day a week and play until it is dark outside. It makes me so happy that he has a little buddy that he gets along with so well. You can't ever move!!!!!!