Friday, August 29, 2008

Blake's First Day of School

This is Blake as we were leaving for his first day of preschool yesterday.  He is my shy guy lately, so this picture says it all.  We are having a little "preschool" with only 4 kids, one being his cousin Nixon.  I figured it would be a great way to help with his little bit of separation anxiety and give him something fun to do.  We had only visited the first house (Amy's) once so far and I wasn't sure how he'd do.  He cried when I left, stopped shortly after I left, and had a great fun time!!  In fact when we were leaving Amy's house, he wanted to go back!  So it was a successful first day!  We are just doing this for 2 hours, 2 days a week (and one of those days we'll all go to the park or on a little field trip) - just enough for our cute little Blake.   


Race Fam said...

I am glad you are going to keep going. I hope they continue to enjoy it!

Cherie said...

Yeah for school!! These are such cute pictures. You have such adorable boys :) I hope you guys are doing well!